Best of the Best Posts

The following are a small handful of my posts you may enjoy reading the most.


My Top 5 Experiences in New Zealand

As the title suggests, this post contains some of the highlights of my 7 week internship in Upper Hutt, New Zealand during the summer of 2014.

A Comparison of Wellington and Memphis

I wrote this post while in New Zealand regarding my fascination with the city of Wellington.  Being that I went to college in Memphis, I felt it was only fitting to compare and contrast the two cities.

My Entry Point to Campus Climate Discussions

This post reflects on some of my experiences at Rhodes College as a Student Trustee during the college’s discussions on campus climate.  During the fall of 2014 and onward, Rhodes took a thorough, campus-wide look, at local and national issues of inclusivity and community in higher education.

Big Ideas for Blight

This post was part of a culmination for my fall 2014 internship with the Downtown Memphis Commission in which I spent the semester investigating blight remediation strategies in the Edge neighborhood on Memphis.


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