A short musing on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Took the ALS Ice Bucket challenge today.  After watching it for about month I wasn’t sure how I felt.  More or less I feel like it is an exciting trend that will certainly raise money but hopefully a little bit about ALS along the way.  Some are complaining about the water “wasted” that could be donated abroad or at home.  A valid point.  Some are complaining about it just being a fad and we need more lasting awareness for ALS.  A valid point as well.  Critic or not, I like the movement but I personally don’t know that much about it, aside from the great Lou Gehrig being a key spokesperson of sorts.  That being said, feel free to educate me.

Anyway, here’s my video in which I nominate Mike Aiello, Hannah Asbell, and David Klemperer to match my $25 donation to ALS or another worthy cause and take the challenge themselves.


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