Wellington First Impressions

The last four days have been incredible.  Flying was a bit of a hassle (LAX is confusing to navigate, our planes in Wellington got delayed, and 13 hours is a long time to be in a tiny seat).  That aside, it has been exhilarating to explore Wellington.  From the time our plane took off in Aukland to the time I am typing this right now from my fourth story hostel room, there has rarely been a moment that I have not been in awe of the views.


Wednesday offered the best views so far that you could access by foot.  We visited the Zealandia bird sanctuary which is one of the world’s only protected forests that is free from predators of birds.  Being in a tour group means that we did not see as many birds as I would have liked but nonetheless I learned a lot about the native plant and bird species that make New Zealand unique.  At one point we crossed a dam and could see all the way down the valley into the city of Wellington.  Later that day, we hiked up to Mt. Victoria which is one of the highest peaks in the Wellington area.  From there we could see a 360 degree view of downtown Wellington, the Hutt Valley (where I will be living starting on Saturday), and the harbor.

Speaking of the harbor, I have been incredibly impressed by Wellington’s downtown and their waterfront.  I’ve been to a lot of cities and been to a lot of waterfronts but Wellington may take the prize.  I like that the buildlings are not over the top or gaudy.  I like that there are big walkways for people to walk, cycle, and jog.  I like that there are interesting public art pieces.  And the best of all, I like that Wellington’s high schools play soccer in a civic square along the waterfront.  We made some friends there and I am definitely a die-hard Scots College fan now.  Go red and black!

Stay tuned for a recap of my Lord of the Rings tour!


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